Your Mind and Your Money

Uncategorized Oct 17, 2018

If you dont grow...

you die. 

If you arent always leveling up your Investing business, your mindset and yourself...

you'll go through the highs and lows of the business..

Back in 2007 I bought an apartment complex and from unchecked spending and bad project managment I lost everything...

I felt like shit.

for years before that I had made A LOT of money in my investing business.. and felt untouchable..

 when the dust settled I was broke. it was embarrassing and it felt shitty.

I was broke, my marriage was on the rocks and I questioned who I was as a man..

Like you, I knew all the stuff. I went to all the seminars and trainings. I had success, and lots of it. I was a speaker and coach in the business... and now ... I just wanted to crawl under a fucking rock and die... 

Have you ever questioned yourself after losing something important?

felt embaressed because you failed?? 

it that lowest point, I actually take a look at myself.  I thought I did everything right...

but with a simple question.

Was this ME? holy shit... I was blaming everyone and everything and hoping someone was gonna save me from this "shit show" I was in...

I realize that I had tried to do a lot of shit to please everyone else instead of growing ME and doing what I wanted to do...and what I knew was right for ME. 

I committed to put in the work on building ME... 

I spent a lot of time working on ME... who I was, my character, my habits, my mindset, and put my focus on shit that mattered in my business and life. 

I created a roadmap that gave me the power to create the life I wanted and lived by a strict code I called my "Standards" that I didn't bend on for anyone... 

and in less than 12 months, BOOM  I did 11million in real estate...

I saw its NEVER the real estate, Its never the market, or my wife or society...

it boils down to YOU. 

are you a person thats  growing as a MAN or dying and slowly killing the shit around you too... 

If you arent growing YOU and your mind then the results you have right  will be what you always have. 

If its bad it will get worse as you shrink.. 

Even if youre doing good you'll find a way to sabatoge it ... 

But ...  you can fix this

Don't be a  man that refuses to grow into the man you need to be to win it all in your real estate business, and everything else in your life...

 Champion choose to keep leveling up

Get your mind right... and the money will follow...


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